supporting education

Cambodia Primary School Project

We are working with a school, located one hour from Siem Reap in Cambodia. The area is extremely poor. Approximately 275 children of primary age attend the school.

With high levels of overcrowding with up to fifty children per class, the Principal's office has until recently, even been used as a classroom, staff room and library! We’ve been collaborating with the school to change this.

Working with highly dedicated teachers, together, we have been working hard to fundraise to get the resources needed to develop the school’s infrastructure, grow resources and build on education pathway opportunities for the students. 

From fitting out classrooms, completing a library, providing playing surfaces and equipment for the school playground, funding an English teacher, providing uniforms and introducing a food scholarship program.

If you would like to support our Cambodia School Project and provide us with a donation, please go to our contact page and send us an email.

Someone from the International Project Team will contact you to provide you with the information to know how your donation will be used, what the funds will go to supporting and you can be clear on the IMPACT you’re helping this project to achieve.