community in action

Improving life in our community

 Our volunteers actively fundraise in our community to help those in need. 

Some of the local organisations we support are: 


Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (CPEC)

Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (CPEC) supports children (0-18 years) with Cerebral Palsy and similar conditions. They are a unique and specialised service based in Glen Waverley, Melbourne.

They provide physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech pathology (individually or in multidisciplinary groups), and we enable families to access essential equipment they need in their daily lives.


holmesglen youth foyer

Holmesglen Youth Foyer represents a new paradigm in supporting young people who cannot live at home, to access and engage with education. It offers young people aged 16-24 student style accommodation and the support of a team of highly skilled youth workers and teachers.


Monash Children's Hospital

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