Want to join MOUNT WAVERLEY VILLAGE market?


Become a part of our market community

Are you a maker, a grower, a busker, a street performer, or have anything to sell that you think our punters would love? 

Perhaps you're a seasoned market stallholder, or you've never done it before but you've been thinking about it for a while and now's the time? 

We'd love to hear from you. To find out more about our outdoor community market, please click on the links below


We charge a $30 stallholder fee, and this money goes directly to supporting our community fundraising projects.  

If you have any questions about our market, please drop us a DM on our market socials. Are you following us?


Or alternatively, email us here:


For all stall enquiries, email: marketcoordinator@mountwaverleyrotary.org.au


Join us!

We are always on the lookout for stallholders who will enhance the great experience our punters can have at our market.

If that’s you, then please fill out our our Stallholder Information and Application Form and Market COVIDSafe Plan and we’ll get back to you!